NMCC Aaswas Scheme Details

Age at entry (Completed years) Amount Payable (Rs) Age at entry (Completed years) Amount Payable (Rs)
6-10 7500 42 31900
11-15 9800 43 32800
16 10300 44 33600
17 10800 45 34500
18 11400 46 35300
19 12300 47 36200
20 13100 48 37100
21 14000 49 37900
22 14800 50 38800
23 15700 51 39600
24 16500 52 40500
25 17400 53 41300
26 18200 54 42200
27 19100 55 43000
28 20000 56 43900
29 20800 57 44700
30 21700 58 45600
31 22500 59 46500
32 23400 60 47300
33 24200 61 48200
34 25100 62 49000
35 25900 63 49900
36 26800 64 50700
37 27600 65 51600
38 28500 66 52400
39 29400 67 53300
40 30200 68 54200
41 31100 69 55000
Benefit to member: Reimbursement of Cancer Treatment expenses at NMCC upto:

Rs. 500000 if claimed in the first ten years after joining

Rs. 550000 after 10 years from joining

Rs. 600000 after 20 years from joining

Rs. 650000 after 30 years from joining

Rs. 700000 after 40 years from joining

Rs. 750000 after 50 years from joining

Benefit will be effective on completing one year after full payment.

In case of death due to any reason after one month of joining, but before 12 months, his/her nominee will be paid Rs. 100000/= (Rs. One lakh only) by NMCC directly under Aaswas Dhanam Scheme.

No medical checkup needed to join.

Self-declaration that he/she has not been diagnosed with cancer at any time before joining the scheme must be given.

Refund of initial advance without interest will be made on completion of 70 years, provided no claim has been made till then.